Once upon a time...

"Once upon a time, in a meadow near your house, lived a hero named Max, and he was a mouse."
So begins the tale of Forest Mouse Max, the hero of Elodie’s new SS/21 collection. He lives with his friends beneath the grass of a large meadow, at the edge of the forest. There are daisies, dewdrops and peach-coloured anemones all around. This collection is a love letter to the soft summer days when you might spot a forest mouse out on big little adventures.

Such is the bond between children and mice

Say hi to our adorable new patterns: Meadow Blossom, Tender Blue Dew and Forest Mouse Max. The colour palette is soft and airy, with hints of amber, warm vanilla and hazy jade. The collection features brand-new materials that we call Alcantara, which is a vegan suede, Embroidery Anglaise and Stone Silver.

Beautiful Baby Bibs

This seasons Baby Bibs come in a variety of adorable styles for your little foodie. With their Oeko-Tex certified quick-dry material, perfectly smooth fit and attention to detail, they are a match of design and function. Just rinse or wipe it clean after each use and it dries up in minutes, ready to go again. 

Elodie classics

For our new collection, we are presenting seven new Pacifier Clips with matching Pacifiers. Our high-quality clips are essential for keeping your baby’s pacifier clean, ensuring that it is off the floor and never gets lost.

Hand-drawn prints

From the broad strokes to the finer details – we design all elements with great affection inhouse. Founder Linda Sätterström is our Creative Director and has together with our team painted all patterns by hand and carefully designed each detail to create this collection.